Blinko George J 1869

George James Blinko [8174]

Father Nm: George Blinko [2680] born c 1835 Wycombe died Wycombe 1906:Oldest known ancestor – William Blincko 1635 Hedegerley.

Mother Nm: Caroline White [8173] born c 1837

Marriage Dt:

1. 11 Jul 1898 to Frances Florence Clarke New Forest Hampshire Vol. 2b Page 1361.

2. 1920 to Ellen Florence Haddock nee Mead Wycombe Vol. 3a Page. 1642

3. 1934 to Kate Page Page Wycombe Vol.3a Page.3944.

K comments: Nephews Harry Ernest Blinko and Jack Albert Blinko served also in WW1.

Spouse comments:

1. Frances Florence Clarke 1871-1917.

2. Ellen Florence Haddock nee Mead 1875-1933.

3. Kate Page 1882-1966.


(Research): GR[D] Wycombe vol 6a p 532 Mar 1958.

Born 10 April 1869

Name George James Blinko, Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1869, Registration District: Wycombe, Inferred County: Buckinghamshire, Volume: 3a, Page: 431.

1939 census

1881 Census 26 Easton St High Wycombe
  1. George Blinko Head M Male 46 Tailor Etc.
  2. Caroline Blinko Wife M Female 44
  3. Harry Blinko Son U Male 17 Stableman (Huntsman)
  4. Caroline Blinko Daur U Female 14 Housemaid
  5. James Blinko Son U Male 12 Scholar
  6. Jane Blinko Daur U Female 9 Scholar
  7. Arthur Blinko Son U Male 6 Scholar
  8. Sydney Blinko Son U Male 2
1891 Census Wellingborough Rd Rushden Northants.

A ‘Confectioner’? age 21 yrs lodging with John Ladds and family in Wellingborough Rd, Rushden

1901 Census 4 Pauls Row High Wycombe
  1. George J Blinko 31 Baker and Pastry Cook
  2. Florence Blinko 30
  3. Walter W Large 28 Boarder
  4. Frank Lever 26 Boarder
  5. Harry Daw 26 Visitor
  6. Thomas Daw 15 Visitor
  7. Ernest J Stathan 17 Servant
  8. Alfred Margon 21 Servant Baker bread and confectionery
  9. Kate M Davis 17 Servant Shop Assistant
1911 Census 36 Benjamin Road, High Wycombe, Bucks
  1. Blinko Frances Florence Wife F 1871 40
  2. Blinko George James Head M 1870 41 Bread And Pastry Cook

Royal Army Services Corps

Blinko George James, 1876, High Wycombe, Corporal, S4/122409, Army Service Corps.

  • 19th Jun. Enlisted with Army Services Corps. Occupation Baker and Cook, living 44 Priory Ave High Wycombe. Ageis incorrectly givenn as 39 yrs actual age 45 yrs. Note George sells his Bakery business at 4 St Pauls Row High Wycombe to take up Army service.

Note : Prefix on the serial number S4 – Army Service Corps. 4th New Armies Supply (S4 Labour)

  • 16th Jun. – 7th Jul Home.
  • 8th Jul. Posted with the BEF to France , Baker trade assignment in ASC
  • 10th Jul. Posted to 1st Field Bakery at Rouen.

    Bred coming from the Ovens at Rouen. source IWM
  • 30th Jul.Writes letter home and published in South Bucks Free Press.1
  • 31st Dec.Writes letter home and published in South Bucks Free Press.1
  • 16th – 22nd Feb Home leave.
  • 2nd Sept. Posted to 7th Field Bakery Rouen.
  • 7th – 17th Mar Home leave wife Frances Florence ill with cancer, leave extended to 21st Mar 1917.
  • 17th Mar. The Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire writes to support a request by George that he be allowed home duty to look after his wife and affairs.

    Part of the Correspondence requesting the Army allow George Home duty to care for wife and look after affairs.
    Part of the Correspondence requesting the Army allow George Home duty to care for wife and look after affairs.
  • 9th May. Army decides to return George to home because of his wife’s illness.
  • 17th May. Transferred to duty in England, to report to OC “K” Supply Coy. Bath.
  • 6th Nov. Wife Frances Florence dies of cancer.
  • 10th May. Appointed A/Corporal .
  • 12th Apr. South Bucks Free Press reports L/Cpl GJ Blinco ASC(Baker) to Cpl .1
  • 9th May. Discharged (to Mothers home 4 Market Sq. High Wycombe)
  1. Clint Lawson’s Bucks Roll of Honour.

triple royal sussex regt
Awarded the 1914-15 Star the British and Victory medals.

After the War
1921 Census

George with his new bride Ellen

19 Jun 1921 46 Priory Ave., High Wycombe Find all individuals with events at this location
George James Blinks Head
Male 1869 52 High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England Pastry Cook A Speed Confectioner
Ellen Florence Blinks Wife
Female 1875 46 High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England Home Duties –
1939 Census

George with his third wife Kate at 8 Chestnut Avenue, High Wycombe M.B., Buckinghamshire, England


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George J Blinko 10 Apr 1869 Male Pastry Cook Retired Married
Kate Blinko 21 Apr 1882 Female Unpaid Domestic Married

Death 1958 age 89 years

England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966 about George James Blinko.

Name: George James Blinko, Probate Date: 28 Oct 1959, Death Date: 24 Jan 1958.

Death Place: Buckinghamshire, England.


Blinko George James of 8 Chestnut Avenue, Marsh Green, High Wycombe died 24 Jan 1958 Probate to Kate Blinko widow and Eric Leonard Webb solicitor.



There are 34 records in the National Archives for this man. For copyright reasons, they cannot be re-published.